According to current health standards in areas where people reside, air, dust-free, should contain less than 0.3% carbon dioxide, about 21% oxygen. It is necessary to maintain relative humidity to 50-60% mobility - 0.1-0.15 m / s, and the temperature - within 18-15 ° C. Without the use of air conditioning and ventilation of these parameters to achieve unrealistic. Small cafes and bars can be served by conventional and multi-systems for large buildings more suited industrial equipment. Small cafes, bars and eateries are best traditional split systems
Air Track Inc. "HVAC Engineering" working in the field of design and installation of heating, air conditioning and ventilations systems for many years. Refer to our experts and we will help you create the ideal conditions for employees and visitors to your cafe or restaurant.
Always the savings depend upon the kind of solutions it was adapted. Through years of experience & research we Design and deliver Energy Efficient HVAC systems optimize operations. Each unit of energy saved is revenue earned, that’s the motto we work towards.
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