Watts to btu’s = watts x 3.413
Btu’s to watts = btu’s / 3.413
Three phase resistive watts = (Amps1 x Volts1) + (A2 x V2) + (A3 x V3) / 1.732 (which is the square root of 3)
Single phase resistive watts = volts x amps
Three phase inductive watts (motors) = (Amps1 x Volts1) + (A2 x V2) + (A3 x V3) / 1.732 x power factor
Single phase inductive watts (motors) = volts x amps x power factor
Ohms Law: E/IR: Ohms = volts / amps (R=E/I), amps = volts / ohms (I=E/R), volts = amps x ohms (E=IR)
The current I in amps is equal to 1000 times the power P in kilowatts, divided by the voltage V in volts:
I(A) = 1000 × P(kW) / V(V)
So amps are equal to 1000 times kilowatts divided by volts
amps = 1000 × kilowatts / volts
The current I in amps is equal to 1000 times the real power P in kilowatts, divided by the power factor PF times the voltage V in volts:
I = 1000 × P / (PF × V )
So amps are equal to 1000 times kilowatts divided by power factor times volts.
amps = 1000 × kilowatts / (PF × volts)
The current I in amps is equal to 1000 times the real power P in kilowatts, divided by square root of 3 times the power factor PF times the line to line RMS voltage VL-L in volts:
I = 1000 × P / (√3 × PF × VL-L )
So amps are equal to 1000 times kilowatts divided by square root of 3 times power factor times volts.
amps = 1000 × kilowatts / (√3 × PF × volts)
The Calculating tool uses both quantitative data and qualitative information covering HVAC design, installation and operation to benchmark energy efficient performance and identify potential areas for improvement.
User warning: all this results are based on quick estimate calculation. Exact heat /cool load can be determined with a full heat and cool load analysis
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