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Heating Systems Preventive Maintenance Checklists | Air Track Blog
Air Track HVAC Blog

Heating Systems Preventive Maintenance Checklists

It does not matter what type of heating is installed – it is important, what is being done to keep the system in optimal working condition. Timely preventive maintenance of heating systems – is the best way to ensure trouble-free operation and maximum performance. A maintenance before cooling and heating season also very important, it will avoid future failure of the system and keep the optimum temperature at the time when it is most needed.

 Gas Furnace Preventive maintenance Checklist

  1. Visually check for black Soot for chiefly composed of carbon, produced by incomplete combustion, if so contact Air Track Inc.
  2. Remove the combustion chamber and inspect the color of flames, the flames should be fairly even and blue. Yellow flames indicate dirty burners.
  3. turn the thermostat off and flip the power switch off on the heater
  4. Remove and clean the burners. Dirty burners can cause poor combustion
  5. Inspect the blowers and clean
  6. Change the heater filter every one to three months
  7. Check the heat exchanges for crack and damages
  8. Inspect the fuel pipe for corrosion and damages
  9. Check controls of the system to ensure proper and safe operation.
  10. Check starting cycle of the equipment to assure the system starts, operates and turns right.

Oil Heater Preventive Maintenance Checklist

  1. Look for signs of black soot around your heater. Soot outside the furnace itself could mean that the unit is burning more than oil
  2. Look at the smoke color, if the smoke is black the oil is not burn completely
  3. Carefully check for any vibrations and unwanted noise, if notice contact Air Track Inc.
  4. Check the fan belt
  5. Lubricate the blower motor fittings
  6. clean the burner nozzle prevents clogs and ensures that oil can easy move
  7. Check controls of the system to ensure proper and safe operation.
  8. Check starting cycle of the equipment to assure the system starts, operates and turns right.

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