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Ammonia a Natural Refrigerant – controlling ozone depleting | Air Track Blog
Air Track HVAC Blog

Ammonia a Natural Refrigerant – controlling ozone depleting


Industrial refrigeration is used in about two-thirds of the facilities of the food industry, therefore, deserves a special mention. Food preservation achieved inexpensively by using canning, freezing, or drying techniques. Modern-day food preservation methods. The conservation of all meat and fish, fruits and vegetables, dairy products etc. is ensured by means of low temperatures.

In refrigeration systems in the food industry, the refrigerant used is usually ammonia. As refrigerant, ammonia offers many advantages

Energy efficiency Ammonia is one of the most effective refrigerant and has a wide range of applications. With an increasing emphasis on energy ammonia refrigeration systems are safe and reliable choice for the future. Thus, the use of ammonia in refrigeration systems that condense water cooled evaporative cooling equipment are an extremely efficient technology for the food industry usually 15-20% more efficient

Environmentally friendly Ammonia is a natural and environmentally friendly refrigerant, and more over its global warming potential GWP and ozone depletion potential ODP zero.

Security Ammonia is toxic under certain conditions – flammable. Therefore, it requires careful handling at the same time ammonia, smell of ammonia is most security guarantee, unlike other refrigerants having no odor, ammonia refrigeration has a proven record of safety, partly because leaks are easily detectable.

Smaller diameter pipes as gaseous or liquid ammonia for smaller diameter pipes are needed in comparison with most refrigerants.

High heat transfer parameters compared with most refrigerants ammonia has better heat transfer characteristics that can be used with the equipment at the surface of the heat transfer and thus reduce the cost of the refrigeration system.

The cost of the refrigerant in many countries, the cost of ammonia (1 kg.) is significantly lower than the cost of HFC refrigerants.

The advantages of using this technology is summarized: energy efficiency, respect for the environment, health safety and unbeatable relationship between investment and performance.

The truth is that the use of evaporative cooling in industrial processes involves a choice of topical given the benefits of energy efficiency, environmental friendliness and resource optimization based on performance it provides. Evaporative cooling is secured thereby, as a future technology

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