Air Track HVAC Blog

Surety Bonds 101 – Code for HVAC Contractors


Surety bonds 101 refers to regulate the HVAC contractor follow the rules and regulations for the customers and for the municipality.

Holding it will confirm the contractor was responsible and the fulfillment of its obligations which reduces risk of customers. Bonded HVAC contractor will have extensive knowledge of design, implementation, handling, dispensing, cleaning support and security as per the regulations.

Guarantee agreement may be concluded to ensure the obligations which arise in the future.

Bond 101 is the credit provided surety to the customer, whenever a contractor fails to fulfill offered thins in contract the customer can able to file a claim on the business.

General requirements and regulations to obtain the license will vary state to state, and sometimes it’s not require by the state regulation.

On the basis of notification information the Contractor can apply with formal process, once you have gotten your bond, you will have to submit to the relevant authority to get issue your license for training and exam certificates.

Ammonia a Natural Refrigerant – controlling ozone depleting


Industrial refrigeration is used in about two-thirds of the facilities of the food industry, therefore, deserves a special mention. Food preservation achieved inexpensively by using canning, freezing, or drying techniques. Modern-day food preservation methods. The conservation of all meat and fish, fruits and vegetables, dairy products etc. is ensured by means of low temperatures.

In refrigeration systems in the food industry, the refrigerant used is usually ammonia. As refrigerant, ammonia offers many advantages

Energy efficiency Ammonia is one of the most effective refrigerant and has a wide range of applications. With an increasing emphasis on energy ammonia refrigeration systems are safe and reliable choice for the future. Thus, the use of ammonia in refrigeration systems that condense water cooled evaporative cooling equipment are an extremely efficient technology for the food industry usually 15-20% more efficient

Environmentally friendly Ammonia is a natural and environmentally friendly refrigerant, and more over its global warming potential GWP and ozone depletion potential ODP zero.

Security Ammonia is toxic under certain conditions – flammable. Therefore, it requires careful handling at the same time ammonia, smell of ammonia is most security guarantee, unlike other refrigerants having no odor, ammonia refrigeration has a proven record of safety, partly because leaks are easily detectable.

Smaller diameter pipes as gaseous or liquid ammonia for smaller diameter pipes are needed in comparison with most refrigerants.

High heat transfer parameters compared with most refrigerants ammonia has better heat transfer characteristics that can be used with the equipment at the surface of the heat transfer and thus reduce the cost of the refrigeration system.

The cost of the refrigerant in many countries, the cost of ammonia (1 kg.) is significantly lower than the cost of HFC refrigerants.

The advantages of using this technology is summarized: energy efficiency, respect for the environment, health safety and unbeatable relationship between investment and performance.

The truth is that the use of evaporative cooling in industrial processes involves a choice of topical given the benefits of energy efficiency, environmental friendliness and resource optimization based on performance it provides. Evaporative cooling is secured thereby, as a future technology

Inverter Air Conditioning – Ideal for Electricity Saving


Inverter air conditioning is expensive while comparing to non-Inverter air conditioning, but it gives significant advantages on power savings.

  1. At least 30% – 50% cheaper to run as it consumes less power
  2. Achieve desired temperature very quickly
  3. Startups 30% faster
  4. Much quieter
  5. No temperature fluctuations, maximizing comfort level
  6. No voltage peaks from compressor

Unlike conventional systems, Inverter compressor speed adapts to the needs of each moment, allowing only consume the energy.

Inbuilt Electronic device is sensitive and identify the temperature changes to supplies, equipment vary Inverter engine speed compressor to provide the power required. Thus drastically reducing temperature swings, keep getting in the range between -1 and + 1 ° C and enjoy greater environmental stability and comfort.

And so when they are about to reach the desired temperature, decrease the power equipment to avoid peak compressor starting. Thus the noise is reduced and consumption is always proportional.

No Inverter: On cold days without an air conditioner inverter function heats the room not quite right.

With Inverter: When producing 60% more heat than models constant speed, inverter air conditioners heat a room quickly even in the colder days.

Efficient use of power

No Inverter: The compressor is switched on and off according to temperature changes in the room. In other words, whenever the temperature fluctuates.

With Inverter: compressor speed and thus output power, is adapted to the room temperature. This efficient and linear temperature regulation at all times maintains a nice room.

Lower power consumption

No Inverter: An inverter air conditioner without function consumes approximately twice as much electricity. With this difference, not take long to get high bills.

With Inverter: An inverter air conditioner consumes half the electricity that a model without inverter function, so you get more welfare for much less money.

Need Periodic cleaning of HVAC systems


Physical discomfort, irritation or dryness of the eyes, nose and throat, cough, nausea and respiratory and mental fatigue, memory disturbances, drowsiness, apathy, dizziness or stress problems are some of the health problems caused when people remain much time inside modern office buildings, due to contamination factors that may be specific to the same premises, stuffy or poorly functioning facilities air conditioning.

These factors may come from the characteristics of human activity, primarily as odors and smoke snuff, which causes discomfort, irritation and discomfort, as well as contaminants that may have the same outside air for ventilation.

Moreover, it seems that many new materials currently used in construction and furniture and decor, produce fumes that are slowly joining the indoor air, as in the case of paints, dyes, paints, adhesives, etc.

These air conditioners because of its enclosed spaces such as coils, condensate tanks, pipes Desagotes, etc., deprived of light at a stable temperature, moisture and dirt as nutrients can cause a process of putrefaction that becomes a broth ideal for the growth and proliferation of plant or animal organisms, consisting in pathogenic bacteria, fungi, yeast or virus culture.

Given this background, the World Health Organization (WHO) in 1982 has established that buildings with a percentage of more than 20% of people experiencing acute effects on health and wellbeing due to pollution levels, make a condition called Sick Building Syndrome (SBS).

It has been determined that dust is the main transporting agent of allergic substances, composed of a variety of organic and inorganic components, including fibers, mold spores, pollen grains, mold, insects and mites, produce symptoms ranging from mild irritation severe breathing problems that can arise even in chronic diseases.

Surge of all the above, the need Necessary for all building that has air conditioning installations involving air treatment, which by construction, extension tubes, activities that they develop and how many people occupy, to establish rules requiring periodic cleaning ducts, plus air conditioning.

As for the tasks could be considered Cleaning General Specifications for Commercial Air Conditioning Systems established by the NADCA (National Air Duct Cleaners Association) Standards.

Heart Pumping Workout : HVAC Compressor Maintenance?

Compressor is the main heart beat of machine. While comparing compressor with human heart its beginning same one. Most similar one in both is circulating system like how heart circulates all functions in body. Likewise the compressor will handle the all functions in machine. If the compressor fails it will affect the whole machine to avoid this we should maintain properly.

It was found that most of the problems with the compressor is not related to the quality of the product, and is the result of lack of understanding of the principles of operation of air conditioning systems, improper maintenance and repair.

How to maintain the compressor  

  1. check the pressure and temperature of the refrigerant at the inlet and outlet of the compressor;
  2. Check the temperature of inlet and outlet of the compressor and condenser tubes. High pressure pipes should be hot and dry;
  3. Verifying that the condenser and the radiator fan. The appearance of moisture or frost on the part of the high pressure can hinder the flow of refrigerant;
  4. Check the temperature difference between the inlet and outlet of the dryer. If the temperature difference is greater than 3 ° C, then the system is too high moisture content;
  5. Check the refrigerant for Icing elements of the air conditioning system which can cause  blockage on the system;
  6. check tension and condition of the compressor belt;
  7. Check for extraneous noise in the compressor, expansion valve, fan and air-conditioning system channels.

CO 2: The criterion of efficiency of ventilation systems


The impact of indoor air quality of buildings on the health of people given special attention as environmentalists, doctors, diagnosticians, and engineers, designers of ventilation and air-conditioning. The quality of the air depends on the physical condition of the person: the poor air quality people feel unwell, loss of concentration, the development of diseases, and so on. D

By hazard, subject to the assimilation of ventilation systems, gaseous pollutants are emitted in the process of breathing and through the skin surface (ammonia, hydrogen sulfide, acetone, and so on. N.), as well as chemical volatile compounds emitted from furniture and decoration materials in the room. In the course of human breathing in normal conditions are subject to change in the concentration in the main two components of air: oxygen and carbon dioxide.

During the metabolic processes in the human body the concentration of oxygen in the exhaled air drops from 20.9 to 16.3%, and carbon dioxide, on the contrary, increases from 0.03 to 4% [4]. Attention is drawn to the fact that the concentration of carbon dioxide increases by more than 100 times.

Specialists have found that the degree of concentration of gas pollutants emitted person closely correlated with the concentration of the carbon dioxide emitted during breathing humans . In this connection, the concentration of carbon dioxide has been accepted as an indicator of air quality . Other harmful gas emissions in residential and public buildings (phenol formaldehyde, acetone, ammonia and other components allocated furniture, decoration materials) lead to carbon dioxide equivalent .

Pollutants from furniture and decoration materials (mainly formaldehyde and anilines) in relation to the hazard produced by people are largely assimilated and multidirectional airflow calculated from the concentration of CO 2. As a rule, in the absence of people in the room background ventilation rate of 0.1-0.2 h -1 is sufficient for assimilation hazards of furniture and decorative materials.

Indoor air quality, depending on the concentration of carbon dioxide:

  • 1st class (optimum microclimate, high quality) – the concentration of carbon dioxide is not more than 400 cm 3 / m 3 ;
  • Grade 2 (optimum microclimate, average quality) – the concentration of carbon dioxide from 401 to 600 cm 3 / m 3 ;
  • 3rd class (permissible microclimate allowable quality) – the concentration of carbon dioxide from 601 to 1000 cm 3 / m 3 ;
  • 4th Grade – unacceptable high concentrations of carbon dioxide, poor air quality – more than 1 000 cm 3 / m 3.

The advantage of this approach to the definition of air quality and ventilation required in relation to the traditional (for specific air flow rate or ventilation rate) is as follows:


  • it is possible to take into account when determining the degree of ventilation of outdoor air pollution;
  • an incentive to increase the effectiveness of ventilation: supply of fresh air in the breathing zone, to avoid crossing the air-giving stream of dirty areas in the room;
  • can be accounted for the presence of fresh air in the room before filling in human beings;
  • can be well defined background ventilation to remove hazards from furniture and decoration materials after hours;
  • Improve the adequacy and accuracy of monitoring air quality at the expense of direct measurements of carbon dioxide concentration in the occupied zone premises.

The Advanced Pre cooling Commercial Rooftop HVAC system

The Most Advance HVAC Rooftop system Designed by EVAPORCOOL, which has no movie parts and providing the best energy savings while comparing the Commercial roof tops units used for air cooling.

The systems includes high performing real time monitoring basis: temperature, energy usage, energy savings and failures. Monitoring and remote control is done through a 3G/4G internet network

  1. Requires Kilo Watts to operate the Equipment is reduced
  2. Filter Prevents Dusts reaching the condenser coil.
  3. Run at lowest condensing temperature, it will increase efficiency
  4. Smart Spray controller enables a minimal amount of water
  5. The system leaves no standing water or runoff water.

Why HVAC systems need Serious Plan before Installed


When staring a commercial/industrial business there is a need to design and install a heating, air condition and ventilation systems that cleans the bad air and replacing it with a good one.

When time is spent preplanning a project, you gain the ability to foresee potential problems and handle them prior to the “crisis point” of a looming deadline. Project Preplanning can and should be done on any type of project, but a Design Assist project uniquely lends itself to this process.

Modern high-tech production facilities impose strict requirements for maintenance of precise accurate parameters. The determination of the capacity of cooling systems must have accurate parameters.

In addition unplanned work will led to malfunctions that may cause restoration of HVAC systems, this may rise cost significantly.

At Air Track Inc. We Design of ventilation systems at affordable prices for Industrial and commercial Buildings in Mississauga.

Tips for Long Life Operation of Air Conditioners


To summarize. For what would your air conditioner worked their full term it, on average, from 7 to 12 years depending on the class of the air conditioner, you need not so much:

  1. Clean filters internal unit at least once a month;
  2. If the air conditioner stopped at normal  function, it need to turn off air conditioning and seek for service;
  3. At least once every two years preferably once a year, in spring – just before the season to call service representative for maintenance work:
  4. check the system pressure and refilling Freon, complete check air conditioning in all modes to detect hidden faults
  5.  Cleaning indoor and outdoor units. The outdoor unit is purged with a stream of compressed air by the compressor for cleaning of lint and dust;
  6. Do not include air conditioner if it is not equipped with all-season unit, if the outside temperature is below 0 ° C …- 5 ° C) ®