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What Are the Parameters for Selecting Industrial air conditioner?

The selection of air conditioners for industrial use has a number of features compared to the selection of household air conditioners. It is often about large areas, large dimensions of equipment, complex installation, the ability to install individual settings for a large number of rooms. The cost of an error here will be quite high – from the failure of an expensive air conditioner to damage to material values ​​and the health of people.

Industrial air conditioners are developed to service areas of more than 300 square meters. They are often installed in buildings where an individual micro climate is required for each room – in hotels, shopping centers, banks. What industrial air conditioner will solve your problems?

Industrial air conditioning systems. Device, features and types

Despite the fact that industrial air conditioners have been produced for more than 100 years, at present only five types of them can be distinguished.

Multi zone VRF and VRV air conditioning systems

VRV and VRF are two names for the same industrial systems. This multi-zone air conditioning system includes up to 64 indoor units and from one to three external. The maximum total length of inter block communications is 300 m. The maximum height difference is 50 m. For each indoor unit, you can set your own indoor temperature and provide an individual micro climate.

The error of the set temperature is only 0.5 o C.

Chiller-Fan Coil System

The system “chiller-fan koil” is characterized in that inside the building is used not coolant, but water or antifreeze. The central chiller is called the chiller, and the heat ex changers in the rooms are fan coil units. The system compares favorably with the fact that the maximum distance between the chiller and the fan coil is practically unlimited, water flows through ordinary pipes.

Central and roof conditioners

Central air conditioners are multi functional. They can be used as air conditioners, ventilation systems, air purifiers and humidifiers. They are called central because the air is processed in the central module and then distributed through the ducts to the rooms. The central air conditioner can serve several rooms or one large one – a theater hall, an indoor stadium, a production hall. Installation of industrial air conditioners of this type and laying of communications for them are characterized by increased complexity. If possible, it is better to choose a simpler to install roof air conditioner. Unlike the central air conditioner, which requires an external source of cold, the roof air conditioner is a mono block.

Cabinet air conditioners

This type of industrial air conditioners is designed to maintain a constant temperature over large areas for a long time. Cupboard air conditioners are mono block and with a remote condenser.

Precision air conditioners

Precision air conditioners are characterized by high accuracy of maintaining the desired temperature and humidity. They consist of outdoor and indoor units. Work in wide limits of power – from 5 to 100 kW.

Comparison of industrial air conditioning systems

When selecting industrial air conditioners, many parameters need to be taken into account, including the type and configuration of air conditioning zones, the nature and change of heat load, etc.

Power consumption

The minimum level of power consumption in multi zone VRV and VRF-systems. However, the various components of the industrial air conditioning system, for example, a chiller or a separate fan coil, can be selected taking into account the minimum energy consumption. Although high power consumption traditionally distinguished central and roof air conditioners.

Ventilation option

The industrial system differs in that you can set any configuration depending on the task: you can also integrate a central air conditioner into the chiller-fan coil system and you will get a system with ventilation. The multi zone system and the chiller-fan coil system can be additionally equipped with central air conditioning or ventilation systems. This will provide full and adequate ventilation.

Cost of

You can buy an industrial air conditioner fairly inexpensively, but you should take into account the complexity of installation, which, in turn, depends on the complexity of the technical task and equipment configuration. Rooftop air conditioners are the most low-cost, but installing them can take a lot of time and money. It should also be borne in mind that large industrial air conditioning systems require maintenance personnel.


In the central and roof conditioners it is not possible to adjust the set parameters for each room individually.

To fully understand the problems of selecting expensive industrial equipment for air conditioning and ventilation, engineering education and experience in this field are required. However, pre-orient in the terminology and principles of operation of air conditioners, as well as anyone can ask competent questions to a specialist.

Ventilation system of commercial building

The ventilation system in commercial building performs the functions of cleaning the air from dust and other small particles, localizing and removing odors, and creating a comfortable micro climate. Ventilation in sales areas, shops should be low noise, if possible hidden from the eyes of visitors and easy to maintain.

Design features

The design of the ventilation system for commercial building is similar to the ventilation design of administrative, industrial buildings. However, the specifics of commercial enterprises determine some important, mandatory conditions.

If the retail space is divided into several shops, each of them should be separately regulated ventilation channel. This allows you to avoid mixing smells and set your micro climate in each individual room, depending on the load.

In shopping centers, air conditioning is mandatory.

The store should have its own autonomous ventilation system, even if it is located in a house, large office or manufacturing center. It is not allowed to connect the air ducts of the sales area with the ventilation system of the entire building.

The area of ​​the retail space directly affects the type of ventilation system to be installed.

The supply and exhaust ventilation system is equipped with fans, which make it possible to regulate the flow and discharge of air in all weather conditions.

It can be supplemented with an air heater, air cooler, various filters, dryers and humidifiers.

Ventilation systems allow you to create a comfortable micro climate. Such a system is suitable for large trading rooms.

The central ventilation and air conditioning system is an extensive network of small supply and exhaust systems that are interconnected. To cool the air using water or freon. Cooling systems can be roughly divided into two main classes: water – chiller-fan coil and freon – VRV and VRF systems. As a rule, they are installed on the roof of the building or next to the building. This centralized ventilation system is designed for buildings where it is necessary to regulate the micro climate and clean air separately in each room. It is used, as a rule, in large shopping centers, where cafes, restaurants, shops, including perfume shops, are located nearby, and each of them represents a separate room.

Design and calculation

Data required for calculation in the design of ventilation of commercial premises:

  1. The location of the building, its windows, doors relative to the cardinal points, the climate. A large role is played by panoramic windows and roofs.
  2. Type, lighting power and heat gain from it.
  3. Availability of equipment in the sales area and how much heat it emits during operation.
  4. The functionality of the room. Will there be a bakery, cafe, outdoor perfumery, household chemicals or other odorous goods in the sales area?
  5. The number of employees and the average number of visitors.

The specificity of the calculations of ventilation for commercial building is that it is almost impossible to calculate the exact number of people in the store. They come and go each at will at any time. For calculations, take the average accepted values ​​of the density of the number of people for different types of retail premises:

1 person on 6 square. meters – for bookstores, sporting goods, equipment, electronics, furniture and jewelry stores;

1 person to 5 square. meters – for all other types of stores, including grocery.

The number of employees in the store is a fixed number. For supermarkets also take the average number of staff:

1 employee per 100 square meters- for a grocery store.

1 employee per 160 sq. M. meters for all other types of self-service stores.

The calculation of the ventilation system consists of the following steps:

  1. Determination of parameters of external air in the cold and warm period of the year. Selection of air characteristics in the room, taking into account the functionality of the room.
  2. Calculation of heat loss through the walls, windows, doors, fences.
  3. Calculation of heat gain from equipment, people, lighting, heating, from the sun.
  4. Determining the amount of moisture that enters the air from people in the room, hot products.
  5. Taking into account the data obtained, the value of air exchange is determined, which is necessary to maintain optimal parameters of temperature and humidity in the room.
  6. Separately, air exchange is considered for a bakery and a cafe, if they are provided for in the sales area.
  7. Aerodynamic calculation. It allows you to determine how much air pressure drops when passing through all ducts. This value affects the speed at which air will flow into the room.

All calculations are made separately for the cold and warm seasons. In some regions, the transition period is included in the calculation. It is characterized by high humidity and strong temperature variations during the day.

After determining the required values, proceed to the design of the ventilation system. Its effectiveness depends largely on how well the air exchange is organized, whether the air is evenly distributed throughout the room, and whether a comfortable micro climate is created.

For the selection of ventilation equipment developed special programs. The necessary parameters are introduced, the calculated values ​​for which the program selects the units that match each other.

Installation of the ventilation system is carried out by the specialized organization. A schedule is drawn up according to which construction and installation works are underway. After complete assembly, the ventilation system is tested at various loads. If the results are positive, the installation of ventilation is considered completed.

Ventilation system of industrial buildings

The specificity of industrial buildings in their multi functionality. It can be small workshops, warehouses, administrative and technological premises, industrial workshops and laboratories. In each case, their own requirements for the ventilation system.

The design of Ventilation system takes place at the stage of creating the construction project of the entire building and according to clearly defined parameters. Even at the stage of project creation, the functionality of the premises and the tasks to be performed by the ventilation system are determined.

Warehouses. In most cases, the room is equipped with a natural ventilation system. It is the least expensive. Air exchange occurs in a natural way, as through an open window. But for the storage of many foods, fruits, vegetables, medicines, it is necessary to maintain a certain temperature, humidity. In some cases, such as when storing batteries, an explosive gas is released, which must be constantly removed from the room. Such warehouses are equipped with a supply and exhaust ventilation system with air conditioning.

Administrative and technological premises. These include high-tech workshops and rooms with control panels. Modern sophisticated electronic equipment for smooth operation requires maintaining a certain microclimate. The same requirements apply to the air in administrative premises, offices. In these cases, a standard supply and exhaust system with basic air purification filters is used.

Laboratories. Microclimate requirements in laboratories are similar to requirements for administrative buildings. The exception is medical facilities and research when the formation of harmful gases. In these cases, special filters and the possibility of more flexible control of temperature, air flow and humidity are required.

To remove harmful gases and bacteria, to prevent the development of mold, local fume hoods should be provided, which should be linked to the general ventilation system to compensate for the amount of exhaust air.

Workshops. These production facilities are usually small in size and with a minimum number of employees. There is enough installation of supply or exhaust ventilation. If the work of the workshops is associated with the release of harmful gases, dust or other small mechanical impurities, a more powerful exhaust ventilation system and additional air purification filters are installed.

Industrial shops. As a rule, the central ventilation system is used, the main units of which are located on the roof or in a special room, the air enters the shop through an extensive duct network. The air conditioning system is installed only where it is economically justified.

In industrial workshops it is possible to supply the supply and exhaust channels to each workplace. It does not allow gas, dust, which are formed during work, to spread throughout the room.

The main parameters in the calculation of the ventilation system of industrial buildings:

  1. The size of the room, its geographical location.
  2. Category of work.
  3. Type of production.
  4. Number of employees.
  5. The duration of stay of employees in the room.
  6. The location of jobs.
  7. Total load of each room in the building.

The design of the ventilation systems of industrial buildings is of three types.

Local – installed in small rooms.

Central – used for large rooms, workshops, warehouses. It has a single control center. Central systems can be with or without the possibility of flexible control of air parameters for each room or workplace. Central systems with the possibility of flexible control of air parameters for each room are called VAV systems, with variable air flow.

The ventilation system can be equipped with air conditioning.

The emergency ventilation system works only for air outflow, removal of smoke and gas. Emergency ventilation is activated automatically when necessary.

Core modules

The ventilation system has a modular design. The availability of modules depends on the tasks that are put in front of the ventilation system in each particular case.

Filters for air purification. Virtually any ventilation system is equipped with a cellular or pocket dust filter. Through it passes both outside and recirculated air. Antibacterial, adsorption filters can be installed.

Air heaters. Used ventilation systems for heating the air in the cold season.

Air coolers. For large industrial buildings, water or freon heat exchangers are used as an air cooler.

Humidifier. After cooling, the air drains significantly. To maintain the desired value of humidity using the chamber irrigation or steam humidifier.

Fan for forcing air through ducts.

Sound attenuators. To reduce noise from ventilation can be installed mufflers.


Installation of the ventilation system occurs during the construction of the building. It is also possible to install a new ventilation system on an old building. This is a more laborious process.

The main stages of installation of the ventilation system:

  1. Laying of pipelines, air ducts;
  2. Installation of valves, pressure regulators;
  3. Installation of system units: fans, coolers, heaters and others;
  4. System test.

After complete assembly of the ventilation system and the availability of the building, three tests are carried out. They are attended by a representative of the organization that was engaged in assembly and installation, a representative of the general contractor and a representative of technical supervision.

The big dilemma of HVAC repair or replacement?

A safe, efficient and reliable HVAC system is the key to creating a comfortable environment in any room, be it a residential, industrial or commercial building. Of course, any climate system needs timely maintenance and repair. Therefore, when it begins to show signs of wear, or when its service life comes to an end, perhaps you are asking yourself whether it is worth investing in its repairs or is it better to simply replace it with it? In this article we will try to answer this eternal question.

There is no obvious solution here. Whichever option you choose, it takes a lot of effort to get the HVAC system up and running. To help you make the right choice, we have compiled a list of important factors to consider.

Age of the HVAC system

The service life of the climate system depends on its size, serviced area and purpose of use. Nevertheless, as a rule, it is considered that 15–20 years is the period after which it requires replacement. Naturally, before you decide to upgrade or repair, it is better to conduct a professional assessment of the condition of all components of the system – especially if its annual inspections were not conducted during operation.

Many obsolete components, refrigerants and gases used in climate systems are removed from production in favor of more environmentally friendly counterparts. Consequently, spare parts for outdated systems may be scarce and expensive.

Cost of

One of the factors that any building owner or management company considers is the cost of replacement compared to the cost of repairs. There is one good rule here: if the cost of repairing equipment is more than 50–60% of the cost of a new one, it’s time to change it.

Naturally, budget considerations should also be taken into account, but it should be borne in mind that the new HVAC system will last much longer than the one that was simply repaired.

Energy efficiency

Energy efficiency is a hot topic in the HVAC industry. Manufacturers and suppliers have made tremendous efforts to offer customers more and more efficient systems. Due to its design features and used components, older systems are much less efficient than modern ones.

If you notice a decrease in performance or the absence of any noticeable improvements with a rising cost of operation, this means that, most likely, the system has become ineffective. Low efficiency not only harms the environment, but also lowers the comfort of building conditions, as well as inflates monthly bills.

System performance

The performance of an HVAC system is directly related to its energy efficiency. The main purpose of climate systems is to ensure indoor air quality (IAQ), which is achieved through proper ventilation and air filtration, as well as maintaining temperature conditions.

A low IAQ is associated with a number of ailments that adversely affect the quality of life, productivity, etc. These can be allergic reactions, nausea, asthma attacks, headaches and, in the worst cases, serious chronic diseases.

In this case, the new system must be installed as soon as possible.

Internal factors

Perhaps the building has a team that serves it. In that case, talk to her. This can give you a more complete picture of the state of these systems and will let you know if replacement is the preferred option.

The decision to replace or repair may be dictated by company policy. Sometimes this policy states that repair is a priority option, and this is usually determined by budget considerations. Full replacement of the system may require funds allocated for several years of operation, but when the life of the components comes to an end, the problem should be considered in the long term.

As you can see, the choice between repair and replacement is not an easy decision. Nevertheless, a lot of things speak in favor of installing a new, modern HVAC system. Energy efficiency and low operating costs are likely to compensate for initial costs.

Maintenance and Repair of Ventilation and Air Conditioning Systems

The process of ventilating the room is accompanied by a complete replacement of the air in it (additionally cleaning, drying, heating, cooling, ionization, etc.). The process of ventilation of the premises is implemented using special modern equipment, which is responsible for maintaining the required level of humidity, temperature and cleanliness. In order for the equipment to serve properly and the repair of ventilation systems does not become the main expense item, it is necessary to maintain the systems in a timely manner.

Tracking device operation parameters and quick troubleshooting will prolong equipment life, as well as create comfortable conditions for being in the room.

The variety of types of ventilation and refrigeration equipment, the complexity of their internal assembly leads to the fact that the maintenance of air conditioning and ventilation systems at least once a year is a necessary necessity. With the observance of the rules of operation and timely professional diagnostics, the equipment will serve without complaints for many years.

Why is it important to maintain air exchangers?

Regardless of which room is in question, public or private, clean air and its active movement are crucial factors. In modern construction, modern materials are used that provide minimal heat loss in the cold period of the year or heating of buildings in the warm season through enclosing structures. Thus, more and more buildings are sealed and “do not breathe”, thereby creating the unpleasant sensations of a long stay in a confined space. That is why it is important to maintain the air-exchange equipment in a functional and in good condition, as well as to timely maintain the ventilation system.

The statistics confirms that in case of poor air circulation in the working room, the efficiency of the personnel drops noticeably and the number of sick employees increases. It is impossible to trace this connection directly, since air conditioners and ventilation continue to work for the first time after installation without qualified service – outwardly it will not be obvious that they need professional debugging. But in a contaminated installation, pathogenic bacteria are rapidly developing, and simple diagnostics of ventilation and air-conditioning systems will help specialists quickly identify and select the list of appropriate repair procedures.

Professional assistance and maintenance includes:

  1. checking and replacing filters;
  2. performance check and heat exchanger cleaning;
  3. control of the amount of refrigerant;
  4. cleaning and lubrication of machinery parts;
  5. performance check electronic control.

To ensure proper operation, the initial design and installation of ventilation and air conditioning systems must be carried out by professionals. In the future, qualified assistance may be needed in the following cases:

  1. problems in the operation of automation in the operation;
  2. redevelopment of premises (redistribution of air flow, movement of exhaust umbrellas, balancing the system);
  3. clogging filters, grids;
  4. clogging of heat exchange equipment
  5. imbalance or improper operation of actuators

Types of repair and maintenance work

Depending on the procedures used, the maintenance of industrial ventilation and ventilation of residential buildings can be divided into several groups.

Service, as a rule, is carried out twice a year and includes the following procedures:

  1. check for dents, chips that affect the operation of the device damage;
  2. inspection of the fan, cleaning of dirt and accumulated dust;
  3. impeller balancing check;
  4. measuring and controlling the noise level, identifying the causes of its occurrence;
  5. adjustment of belts and their tension;
  6. flushing heat exchangers;
  7. maintenance of automatic ventilation systems;
  8. inspection and cleaning of the internal surfaces of all sections of the unit;
  9. tightening electrical connections and other maintenance and repair work.

Maintenance for air conditioning equipment is divided into the following types:

  1. clearing the drainage system;
  2. checking the level and pressure of the refrigerant;
  3. carrying out planned work to prevent possible damage, and test the device in all modes;
  4. cleaning of internal filters and heat exchangers;
  5. search for refrigerant leaks and fix them when detected;
  6. setting overheating temperature and checking its differences on the indoor unit;
  7. pulling and maintenance of electrical connections and other procedures.

When the state of technology is not determined, and there are problems, a special expert assessment is needed. If the design, installation and maintenance of ventilation and air conditioning systems were carried out by professionals, then determining the cause of the breakdown and quickly developing a repair plan will not be difficult.

Cost of services

It is not recommended to neglect annual preventive maintenance of air exchange equipment. Even if outwardly it seems that the system is in good condition, without timely maintenance, it will fail much faster than provided by the operating documents.

The cost of maintenance depends on the intensity of use of devices, as well as on the main characteristics:

  1. installation site;
  2. configuration;
  3. past service life.

Three types of HVAC condensers

Condenser is a device used to liquefy gas by cooling it. In the HVAC equipment, the hot gas (vapor coolant) from the compressor enters the condenser coil at the top and condenses, proceeding from the condenser to a receiver located near the bottom. The capacitor coil is located along with the compressor and control devices in the condensing unit. In the air-conditioning system with a remote or split system, the condensing unit is located in the open air. Capacitors are available in various sizes and designs, which include tubes with conventional tubes, ribbed tubular and plate, serial and parallel blocks.

Condensers are classified according to the cooling method. The three main types are broken down into:

  • Condensers with air cooled
  • Condensers of combined air and water cooled
  • Condensers with water cooled

Condensers with air cooled

The air cooled condenser consists of a coil of sufficient surface that air is blown by a fan or caused by natural draft. This type of capacitor is universally used in small refrigeration units.

Air-cooled condensers should be kept free of dirt, nap, and other extraneous materials, as they tend to reduce the air flow around pipes and fins if they are allowed

Combined condensers with air and water cooled

This type of condenser is also known as an evaporative condenser and consists of a coil, cooling water. Sprayed from above, and then cold air enters the bottom and is injected through the coil. When water evaporates from the coil, it creates a cooling effect that condenses the refrigerant inside the coil. The refrigerant gas in the coil is hot, which has changed to a liquid state, combining the scattered water and a large column of moving air supplied by the fan. The water that does not evaporate is recycled using a pump.

Condensers with water cooled

A water-cooled condenser is similar to a condenser on a steam surface. Cooling is carried out only with water circulating through tubes or coils enclosed in a shell. In a water cooled condenser, the refrigerant circulates through the annular space between the pipes or coils. Through its design, a water cooled condenser is also referred to as a two-pipe capacitor.

Since the evaporative condenser is not wasteful to water, large compressor units are available in areas where there is little water. Tests have shown that the amount of required water will not exceed 0.0 gallons per minute per ton of cooling. This is one of the eco-friendly reasons for using a condenser of this type. Evaporative condensers also eliminate the problem of water removal and provide the most economical ways to cool refrigerant gases of standard air conditioners.

Emissions zero, the new challenge in sustainable buildings

The expansion of the urban population is a phenomenon in view of the inevitable increase in the energy consumption that demands more and better comfort and air conditioning solutions.

The growing expansion towards urban areas in search of an improvement in economic growth and quality of life are the factors that led to a total energy consumption of 16 percent. It should be aligned with the criteria of sustainability and care of the planet

Although the scenario presents a challenge of high complexity, there are other variants that may interfere in the taking of solutions. To reach positive levels in these matters, the local administration must create alliances of value with private capital and encourage citizen participation.

Improving efficiency by implementing energy efficiency standards

For buildings to improve efficiency, device and equipment manufacturers must be backed by an effective regulatory framework that addresses the local market. It is therefore the responsibility of the authorities to provide a set of standards that respond to market needs and ensure improvements in energy performance in new and existing buildings as well as components and projects for construction, windows, insulation, ventilation, hot water, HVACR systems, and so on.

Energy labels, certificates or disclosure of energy consumption
after addressing the minimum and maximum energy efficiency in buildings and their components, governments should have to demand the public dissemination of information that improves decision making, such as labels, certificates and public disclosure of energy consumption. Labeling is a useful information tool for homeowners, buyers and renters that supports informed decision-making and promotes a gradual shift in market demand towards more efficient buildings.

Objective for zero net energy consumption
As policies demonstrate the success of energy efficiency standards in buildings, it is important to continue working to seek the best possible performance, taking into account the market volatility and the incorporation of the most recent technologies. Therefore, support for research, development and implementation of buildings with low energy consumption or net zero can be beneficial to advance future building codes and standards.  The constant evolution of technologies focused on efficiency brings with it multiple tangible direct and indirect benefits such as energy saving in the operation and a balanced change in the supply-demand balance of prices, favoring a transition towards carbon-free sources.

Industrial Chiller – Select that meets all of your cooling needs

In an industry where there are machines running full throttle all day, there is a crucial need for chillers. A plethora of reputed brands offers a top class of industrial chillers. These chillers come in several models and variants – water-cooled chiller, portable chiller, and the air-cooled chiller that has different applications and uses.

Industrial chiller is ideal for heat removal. It ensures to make the temperature of the place low and keep it cool for quite some time too. It is eco-friendly and this is why today, machinery is opting for such type of chillers. They help in cooling industrial area, while few others help in removing heat. They are available for use across various industries, plastic, and printing.

However, one has to remember a few points while choosing industrial chiller.

Keep the area in mind: How big is the area that one would need to cool? There are chillers that offer low temperature for the area as per the requirement.

Understanding chiller’s requirements and necessities: The water-cooled requirements would need proper water quality, and the heat recovery is not practical. The air-chilled cooler does not require good quality of water and yet; the heat recovery would need to be practical.

Paying attention to the ambient air: Since it is where the industrial chiller sends the heat air out of the room, it is necessary to keep a check. Heat loads vary with every style of chiller and hence; one must spend some time to read about it before buying.

Controller: It controls and maintains the required temperature of room or industrial area and hence; one cannot ignore its importance.

Fluid for cooling: Will it be tap water or distilled water that would be used for a chiller? Distilled water based industrial chiller might not be the preference of many. So select the chiller of tap water or distilled water-based chiller as per the choice.

Heat requirements: Know the heat load that the area would require. Calculating the heat load is easy by checking the BTU/hr. That is to say, to heat 1lb of water, 1 degree of Fahrenheit is necessary. This BTU/hr conversion is essential to understand the heat load that the chiller shall successfully use.

Compressor: The pumping device helps to pressurize the gas and make the room cool. So, lastly, check its condition and even a condenser to ensure that the industrial chiller runs on for a long time. Moreover, check that it increases the life of machinery in the industry.

Metering device: To ensure that the metering device is working smoothly, it is necessary to learn about it before shopping for the industrial chiller.

Air Heating Systems – Advantages and Disadvantages

Forced air is by far the most popular home heating appliance in North America which provided warmth to the whole building; one room to multiple. Around 90% of homes in North America make use of a central forced air system to circulate warm air in their apartment. Forced air systems consist of a furnace with a fan to heat and move air, supply ducts to carry warm air to each room, return ducts to pull cool air back to the furnace, and a centrally located thermostat for controlling the functioning of the furnace.

A forced-air central heating system is one which uses air as its heat transfer medium. These systems rely on ductwork, vents, and plenums as means of air distribution, separate from the actual heating and air conditioning systems. The return plenum carries the air from several large return grills (vents) to a central air handler for re-heating. The supply plenum directs air from the central unit to the rooms which the system is designed to heat. Regardless of type, all air handlers consist of an air filter, blower, heat exchanger/element/coil, and various controls. Like any other kind of central heating system, thermostats are used to control forced air heating systems.

There are 3 different approaches to the autonomous heating system or forced air central heating system. They are as follows

– Water heating system;
Air heating system;
– Radiant heating system.

In recent year, Air heating system has gain popularity when compared to classical water heating system and radiant heating system

Advantages Of Air Heating System

Cost Effective –

Operational cost and purchase cost of the appliances is much affordable as compared to other automatic heating system

Fast Heating Aptitude –

The high speed of constant air movement inside the heated room provides a quick and uniform heating of the entire volume.

Disadvantage of Air Heating System

Lower Efficiency.

Sure there are 95% efficient forced air systems out there but the number does not tell you the whole truth. By the time the air reaches its destination it has cooled off already and this may be an issue if ducts go through unfinished basements or crawlspaces.

Cold and hot spots.

There will be no room will have the same temperature. Even within the same room, there will be colder spots or warmer spots. In the summer, it can observe that the floors will be colder whereas the ceilings will be warm

Dust is being blown around.

This is a major nuisance. No matter how often you clean and vacuum there is always some dust building up and forced air systems are great in catapulting it into your throat and around the house.


No matter how well a system is tuned and built, there is always some noise.

Air drafts.

A good A/C system may be relatively quiet compared to one that isn’t engineered properly; however, air drafts are a major problem.

Multi zone Industrial and Commercial Air conditioners

Industrial air conditioners are installed today in all enterprises, factories, manufacturing plants, business centers, shopping halls, sports complexes, large area (over 250 sq. M). Industrial air conditioners provide uninterrupted air conditioning, refrigeration and heating. Features industrial air conditioners – a complexity of use, energy efficiency, the cost of equipment. Industrial air conditioners have a resource 20 – 30 years of operation.

Multi zone system allows to condition several rooms and even the whole building. Each room is set the indoor unit and is supported by individual micro climate. Compared with the installation of individual air conditioners multi-zone air-conditioning system can save money, space, installation time. Multi-zone air conditioning units can be controlled centrally or individually. Designed for buildings containing a few (or a few dozen) areas with different requirements to the air.

Multi zone air conditioning system – profitable, convenient, safe

More than thirty years ago (1982) Daikin Company made a revolutionary breakthrough in the field of HVAC equipment by launching multi-zone air-conditioning system – VRV, which means “Variable refrigerant volume.” Since the company has patented, not only the system itself but also the abbreviation of VRV, as a trademark, other companies began to produce such equipment, began to use the name of the VRF «variable refrigerant flow.” However, in both cases we are talking about one and the same principle of operation of multi-zone air-conditioning.

Features multi-zone systems

  • Multi-zone air-conditioning system – it is the climate system inverter, which is installed in buildings with a large number of premises, providing a separate temperature control in the individual zones.
  • The multi zone system includes one outdoor unit and a lot of internal. The outdoor unit is connected to the internal pipework. Amount of internal blocks, drop their height relative to the outdoor unit, performance, pipe length are defined by the model and brand of the selected multi-zone air conditioning.
  • Multi zonal air conditioning systems use a modular design, so their installation are taken into account wishes of the customer in terms of the number of indoor units and their types (duct, cassette, floor, wall, ceiling).
  • Multi-zone air-conditioning system can be operated to cool the air in the same room at the same time, warming in the other, producing just enough cold and consuming as much energy as necessary to indoor units. Outdoor unit operating mode changes with the load of indoor units.
  • Control each indoor unit is carried out from the local console or centrally from the control center. Temperature parameters given in every room maintained at a constant level with high accuracy.
  • The performance of a number of multi-zone systems can serve the high-rise buildings.