Air Track HVAC Blog


Being in the HVAC industry for more than 20 years, we at Air Track consider it our duty to help & support all private and public industries, businesses and facilities to ensure a safe & speedy reopening based on the services we offer.

With our 24/7 response system, skilled & certified team members, we want to ensure that our customers get the best services in order for them to be at par with the recommended HVAC guidelines as per ASHRAE (American Society for Heating Refrigeration & Air Conditioning) & provincial Public Health Agencies (Public Health Ontario).



As per Public Health Ontario the following are some key points about focus on HVAC Systems in buildings amidst COVID -19

  • Enhancing outdoor air ventilation and/or enhancing filtration where possible, and a well-functioning HVAC system should complement other public health measures by removing and diluting virus from indoor air, thereby lowering exposure to COVID-19.
  • Increase outdoor air ventilation (minimize recirculation)
  • Increase filter efficiency

Filtration is another strategy to remove virus and other particles from indoor air. Filters require appropriate maintenance and may also be upgraded where the system allows to maximize effectiveness. The effectiveness of a filter is rated by the Minimum Efficiency Reporting Value (MERV, ranging from 1 to 16), based on the fraction of particles removed from air passing through it under standard conditions.ASHRAE’s COVID-19 guidance suggests using MERV 13 or higher rated filters based on their ability to filter out virus-sized particles.

  • ASHRAE recommends operating the HVAC system in occupied mode when people are present in the building including periods when the building is occupied by a small portion of the allowable capacity.ASHRAE also recommends continuing to run the HVAC system in occupied mode for additional time pre- and post-occupancy before switching to unoccupied mode
  • Routine inspections and maintenance as appropriate for the system are necessary.

Access the complete report with the following URL link



Considering most of the HVAC equipment will be running longer than usual, wear and tear & breakdowns are a definite possibility and being proactive can help both the facility & the HVAC contractor strategize the best way forward. Air Track’s Preventive Maintenance Programs are well suited to provide timely scheduled inspections, service delivery on breakdown calls & recommendations on replacement of old equipment.
Call us @ 905 330 4056 so we can evaluate your site.