Air Track HVAC Blog

The use of evaporative cooling devices in air conditioning systems in industrial buildings

Ensure air quality problem in a production environment, of course, belongs to the category of technology, because the focus is not so much to provide a comfortable environment, as aims to provide the necessary working conditions.

Without exaggeration we can say that the requirements for maintenance of the microclimate of the working area in the non-ferrous metallurgy enterprises are sufficiently “extreme” – this applies to the withdrawal of heat generation, and to ensure the necessary gas composition of the air.

It is known that the atmosphere in the working areas of non-ferrous metallurgy is characterized by relatively high concentrations of various gases, harmful effects on the health of staff and, consequently, complicating the implementation of their manufacturing operations.

The necessity of a large volume of gas emission assimilation determined the characteristics of the air in the production area, when its entire volume as possible is divided into separate work areas in which the local pumps are organized in combination with natural aeration space.

The problem of providing the desired microclimate in the crane cab is being addressed by at least two directions.

The first direction may include technical solutions that provide cab climate by supplying air from a central ventilation system through the movable duct. The disadvantages of this engineering solution is to limit the technological capabilities of the crane and decreased ventilation capacity due to deformation of the duct arising during operation.

The second direction is the use of self-contained air conditioning systems.

Today, we can confidently say that the main devices for cleaning the air from harmful gases are chemical filters, which are columns, equipped with a variety of nozzles, in which the contact between the aqueous solutions of reagent and purified air. Operation of these devices requires no special training, they are effective, reliable and easy to maintain.

However, these devices still have some drawbacks in terms of air quality in the limited space. Thus, during the absorption of harmful gases caused by direct contact of an aqueous solution of the reagent and air is carried adiabatic humidification. In fact, the moisture content has reached the resulting purified air is greater than the parameters of adiabatic humidification.

Ensuring the microclimate in the working areas of non-ferrous metals associated with the solution of a number of specific problems caused not only a high level of heat and water generation associated with certain technological processes, but also high gas content of the atmosphere. Used traditionally centralized ventilation methods require the use of large air exchange rates, which may not always be justified from an economic and environmental standpoints, and in some cases creates an unsolvable technical problem, which is fully applicable to the provision of the microclimate in the cabs of moving objects.

Known technical solutions in the field of air purification of harmful gases, based on the use of chemical methods, by themselves unable to provide the required sanitary standards of the air environment.

Therefore, the solution to this problem is possible based on the combined use of heat and humidity of air pre-processing to achieve a balance in the exchange of heat and moisture between the streams in chemical interaction