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Ventilation Unit: Advantages and Disadvantages. | Air Track Blog
Air Track HVAC Blog

Ventilation Unit: Advantages and Disadvantages.

What is forced ventilation? How it is done and what is required? In our review – all kinds of equipment for ventilation systems, pros / cons, characteristics. Tell me what to look for when choosing what to buy venting units

Ventilation system in an apartment or in a house:

If exhaust ventilation is usually designed and laid at the stage of building a house, the plenum often left unattended builders. It is assumed that the flow should be carried out through the open windows, leaky structure. But most of the houses are insulated which do not let the air to flow. As a result, there are problems arrive, without forced ventilation which works much worse or does not work at all.
Ventilation devices are capable of ensure the house quiet, clean, comfortable and fresh air.

1: Window flaps.

Mounted on PVC windows. The advantages: cheap, invisible in the interior, installed quickly and easily, does not require drilling holes in the wall.
Disadvantages: window flaps are usually not equipped with filters and sound insulation, are not protected from freezing, moreover manufacturers specify that the window ventilators are functioning only with good extract.

2:Wall intake valves

These devices are mounted on the wall. In fact, they are adjustable window. Equipped with thermal insulation layer, filter against coarse dust and insects. What is important to consider when choosing a valve? For effective ventilation in the apartment or in a house must be a sufficient number of the incoming air.

Disadvantages: of air-supply valves – in extreme cold can pass the cold, and in summer (at the same temperature of air inside and outside) cease to provide the inflow

3: Ventilators

Advantages of ventilators – the ability to perform forced ventilation at any time of the year (as there are fans, forced pounding the air), the presence of the ceramic heater, performing the heating of the cold stream from the street, high performance, the ability to install high-quality filters, providing multi-stage cleaning system from dust, exhaust and other contaminants. What is important to consider when choosing? The volume of incoming air, noise, filter class, power consumption, and size of the device.
Disadvantages: with the installation of the ventilator increases the cost of electricity (especially in cold weather).

4: Supply and exhaust valves recovery

This is not entirely forced ventilation, because the devices have not only the influx, and the hood. They can operate with a ventilation system as well as regular air inlets. Their main advantage – the presence of the built-in heat exchanger, allowing to warm air without energy. Almost invisible in the interior. When choosing-exchanger valve is necessary to take into account the capacity of the device, air flow, noise level, country of origin, the period of warranty, the build quality.

Disadvantages: the heat exchanger valves – not as effective as in ventilation installations, reheating is not provided, so the frost can pass cold air.

5: Fresh air ventilation systems.

This is ideal ventilation for the house, apartment or office. The interior ventilation is invisible (hidden under the ceiling ducts). At the same time the performance of the device will be enough to ensure effective ventilation throughout the house, apartment or office

Disadvantages: complexity of installation work – need to lay ducts, installation of the system is possible only before the final finish of the room. You cannot save on electricity