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Three types of HVAC condensers | Air Track Blog
Air Track HVAC Blog

Three types of HVAC condensers

Condenser is a device used to liquefy gas by cooling it. In the HVAC equipment, the hot gas (vapor coolant) from the compressor enters the condenser coil at the top and condenses, proceeding from the condenser to a receiver located near the bottom. The capacitor coil is located along with the compressor and control devices in the condensing unit. In the air-conditioning system with a remote or split system, the condensing unit is located in the open air. Capacitors are available in various sizes and designs, which include tubes with conventional tubes, ribbed tubular and plate, serial and parallel blocks.

Condensers are classified according to the cooling method. The three main types are broken down into:

  • Condensers with air cooled
  • Condensers of combined air and water cooled
  • Condensers with water cooled

Condensers with air cooled

The air cooled condenser consists of a coil of sufficient surface that air is blown by a fan or caused by natural draft. This type of capacitor is universally used in small refrigeration units.

Air-cooled condensers should be kept free of dirt, nap, and other extraneous materials, as they tend to reduce the air flow around pipes and fins if they are allowed

Combined condensers with air and water cooled

This type of condenser is also known as an evaporative condenser and consists of a coil, cooling water. Sprayed from above, and then cold air enters the bottom and is injected through the coil. When water evaporates from the coil, it creates a cooling effect that condenses the refrigerant inside the coil. The refrigerant gas in the coil is hot, which has changed to a liquid state, combining the scattered water and a large column of moving air supplied by the fan. The water that does not evaporate is recycled using a pump.

Condensers with water cooled

A water-cooled condenser is similar to a condenser on a steam surface. Cooling is carried out only with water circulating through tubes or coils enclosed in a shell. In a water cooled condenser, the refrigerant circulates through the annular space between the pipes or coils. Through its design, a water cooled condenser is also referred to as a two-pipe capacitor.

Since the evaporative condenser is not wasteful to water, large compressor units are available in areas where there is little water. Tests have shown that the amount of required water will not exceed 0.0 gallons per minute per ton of cooling. This is one of the eco-friendly reasons for using a condenser of this type. Evaporative condensers also eliminate the problem of water removal and provide the most economical ways to cool refrigerant gases of standard air conditioners.