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ventilation repair | Air Track Blog
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Tag Archives: ventilation repair

Maintenance and Repair of Ventilation and Air Conditioning Systems

The process of ventilating the room is accompanied by a complete replacement of the air in it (additionally cleaning, drying, heating, cooling, ionization, etc.). The process of ventilation of the premises is implemented using special modern equipment, which is responsible for maintaining the required level of humidity, temperature and cleanliness. In order for the equipment to serve properly and the repair of ventilation systems does not become the main expense item, it is necessary to maintain the systems in a timely manner.

Tracking device operation parameters and quick troubleshooting will prolong equipment life, as well as create comfortable conditions for being in the room.

The variety of types of ventilation and refrigeration equipment, the complexity of their internal assembly leads to the fact that the maintenance of air conditioning and ventilation systems at least once a year is a necessary necessity. With the observance of the rules of operation and timely professional diagnostics, the equipment will serve without complaints for many years.

Why is it important to maintain air exchangers?

Regardless of which room is in question, public or private, clean air and its active movement are crucial factors. In modern construction, modern materials are used that provide minimal heat loss in the cold period of the year or heating of buildings in the warm season through enclosing structures. Thus, more and more buildings are sealed and “do not breathe”, thereby creating the unpleasant sensations of a long stay in a confined space. That is why it is important to maintain the air-exchange equipment in a functional and in good condition, as well as to timely maintain the ventilation system.

The statistics confirms that in case of poor air circulation in the working room, the efficiency of the personnel drops noticeably and the number of sick employees increases. It is impossible to trace this connection directly, since air conditioners and ventilation continue to work for the first time after installation without qualified service – outwardly it will not be obvious that they need professional debugging. But in a contaminated installation, pathogenic bacteria are rapidly developing, and simple diagnostics of ventilation and air-conditioning systems will help specialists quickly identify and select the list of appropriate repair procedures.

Professional assistance and maintenance includes:

  1. checking and replacing filters;
  2. performance check and heat exchanger cleaning;
  3. control of the amount of refrigerant;
  4. cleaning and lubrication of machinery parts;
  5. performance check electronic control.

To ensure proper operation, the initial design and installation of ventilation and air conditioning systems must be carried out by professionals. In the future, qualified assistance may be needed in the following cases:

  1. problems in the operation of automation in the operation;
  2. redevelopment of premises (redistribution of air flow, movement of exhaust umbrellas, balancing the system);
  3. clogging filters, grids;
  4. clogging of heat exchange equipment
  5. imbalance or improper operation of actuators

Types of repair and maintenance work

Depending on the procedures used, the maintenance of industrial ventilation and ventilation of residential buildings can be divided into several groups.

Service, as a rule, is carried out twice a year and includes the following procedures:

  1. check for dents, chips that affect the operation of the device damage;
  2. inspection of the fan, cleaning of dirt and accumulated dust;
  3. impeller balancing check;
  4. measuring and controlling the noise level, identifying the causes of its occurrence;
  5. adjustment of belts and their tension;
  6. flushing heat exchangers;
  7. maintenance of automatic ventilation systems;
  8. inspection and cleaning of the internal surfaces of all sections of the unit;
  9. tightening electrical connections and other maintenance and repair work.

Maintenance for air conditioning equipment is divided into the following types:

  1. clearing the drainage system;
  2. checking the level and pressure of the refrigerant;
  3. carrying out planned work to prevent possible damage, and test the device in all modes;
  4. cleaning of internal filters and heat exchangers;
  5. search for refrigerant leaks and fix them when detected;
  6. setting overheating temperature and checking its differences on the indoor unit;
  7. pulling and maintenance of electrical connections and other procedures.

When the state of technology is not determined, and there are problems, a special expert assessment is needed. If the design, installation and maintenance of ventilation and air conditioning systems were carried out by professionals, then determining the cause of the breakdown and quickly developing a repair plan will not be difficult.

Cost of services

It is not recommended to neglect annual preventive maintenance of air exchange equipment. Even if outwardly it seems that the system is in good condition, without timely maintenance, it will fail much faster than provided by the operating documents.

The cost of maintenance depends on the intensity of use of devices, as well as on the main characteristics:

  1. installation site;
  2. configuration;
  3. past service life.