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industrial hvac | Air Track Blog
Air Track HVAC Blog

Tag Archives: industrial hvac

The market of industrial Ventilation and Air Conditioning

According to most industry experts, the market of industrial ventilation and air-conditioning peaked. Manufacturing companies that supply goods to “assembly line”, and trading companies that buy goods from foreign manufacturers offers a complete package of services from design to delivery.

This diversity of providers has led to a wide range of products on the market that is not always in demand by consumers. Known manufacturers of equipment for industrial ventilation and air conditioning can offer solutions that are already being implemented to have the highest level of energy efficiency, but unfortunately, they are not in demand on the market due to higher initial investment.

The market of industrial ventilation equipment more transformed, if earlier in the growing market there was a large number of brands, the average share was about 3%, it is now possible to identify the lead five operators with a market share of 5 to 8% each. It speaks about strengthening the position of reliable companies, and withdrawal from the market of small or targeted at long-term cooperation between the companies. ”

70% of total consumption is used for shopping malls, water parks, office buildings, parking lots, banks, sports complexes. 20% of the total volume occupied by industrial enterprises, which include major manufacturing plants and pharmaceutical plants. The rest (10%) – private customers, which establish a system for building swimming pools and large residential building.

A trademark is not always a guarantee of success and a guarantee of long-term operation of the system. Even the most expensive high quality equipment may not work properly if the design or construction works were carried out correctly.

Market experts believe that in the near future the company-customers move from the selection of HVAC systems on a price basis to a choice based on an analysis of the operation of such systems in the future.