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Energy-saving technologies in Modern chillers


In the development of modern HVAC equipment of particular importance is given to the problem of energy conservation. The amount of energy consumed by the equipment during the annual life cycle is one of the main criteria for decision-making when considering proposals submitted to tender. To date, a significant potential for energy efficiency is the development and establishment of climatic equipment, able to cover as precisely as possible the load schedule in constantly changing conditions

At the same time, the daily schedule of excess heat is also uneven pronounced maximum. Traditionally, chillers with capacity of 20-80 kW installed two identical compressors and make the two independent refrigerant circuits. As a result, the machine can operate in two modes at 50% and 100% of its rated capacity. The new generation of chillers with cooling capacity from 20 to 80 kW allows you to perform three-stage capacity control. In this case, the total refrigerating capacity is distributed among the compressors in a ratio of 63% and 37%.

The new generation of chillers both compressors are connected in parallel and operate on a single refrigerant circuit, that is, have a common condenser and evaporator. This arrangement significantly increases the energy conversion efficiency (KPI) of the refrigerant circuit when operating at part load. For such chillers at 100% load and outdoor temperature of 25 ° C KPE = 4, and at the 37% CPE = 5. Given that 50% of the time the unit is working with a load of 37% of this gives a considerable energy saving.

Microprocessor controllers

Microprocessor controllers are set for the effective implementation of new solutions in the chillers, which allow:

  • control all the operating parameters of the equipment;
  • adjust the set point temperature of the water at the outlet of the unit in accordance with the parameters of the outside air, process or commands from a centralized control system (supervisor);
  • selects the optimal power control step;
  • In the case of real need to quickly and effectively perform a defrost cycle (for heat pump models).

As a result, an automatic compressor to minimize the short-inclusions, optimize working hours of compressors and the adjustment parameters of the water leaving the chillers in accordance with real needs. As on average, it takes place during the day only 22 incorporating compressor while the compressor includes conventional chiller 72 times.

Another important advantage which enables the use of new chillers, is that eliminates the need for installation of bulky storage tanks and built into the body of the unit circulation pump eliminates the need for an additional pump station.

Energy-efficient gas compressor

As you know, for the accurate performance load curve of the chiller is very important type of used compressors. Traditionally, large capacity chillers used piston or rotary screw compressors. The reciprocating compressor has many moving parts and, consequently, low efficiency due to large frictional losses. In the operation of reciprocating compressors there is a high level of noise and vibration, as well as there is a need for their regular maintenance. Screw compressors, in turn, have a complex structure, and as a result, very high cost. Production of screw compressors is low-profit.

Service of such compressors consuming and requires highly skilled personnel. In recent years, the market of new type of compressor SCROLL appeared that lack specific deficiencies reciprocating and screw compressors. Scroll-compressors have a high energy efficiency, low noise and vibration, and require no maintenance. This type of compressors is simple in construction, is very reliable and, at the same time is inexpensive. However, performance Scroll-compressors usually does not exceed 40 kW.

Absorption chiller – Advantages

Absorption chillers – a very promising field of refrigeration, is becoming more widely used because of the pronounced tendency to modern power management. The fact is that for absorption chillers main source of energy is not electricity, and waste heat that inevitably occurs in plants, factories and so on. N. And irrevocably thrown into the atmosphere, whether it is hot air, cooling air hot water, and others.

The main advantages of absorption chillers:

  1. The ideal solution for creating tri-generation enterprise. Tri generation complex – a complex allows to date as much as possible to reduce the cost of electricity, hot water, heating and cooling for the enterprise through the use of its own cogeneration power plant in conjunction with an absorption chiller;
  2. Long service life – within 20 years before the first major overhaul;
  3. Low cost of produced cold, cold is produced almost free of charge
  4. Reduced noise and vibration as a result of the lack of compressors with electric motors, as a consequence – quiet operation and high reliability;
  5. The use of refrigeration / heating units with the flame of a gas generator of direct action eliminates the boilers to be used in conventional installations. This reduces the initial cost of the system and makes absorption chillers competitive compared to conventional systems, which utilize boilers and chillers;
  6. Maximizing energy savings during periods of peak demand. In other words, do not consume electricity for the production of cold / heat absorption chillers do not overload the power supply enterprise, even in times of peak demand;
  7. There is the possibility of combining in the district steam systems with efficient refrigeration unit of double effect;
  8. It is possible to load balancing in conditions of maximum efficiency in the cooling mode. The device handles the critical load in the cooling mode, with minimal power consumption through the use of refrigerants with a flaming gas generator direct effect or generator with steam heating;
  9. It allows the use of emergency generators at the power, as energy consumption in absorption chillers is minimal when compared with electric refrigeration units;
  10. Security for the ozone layer does not contain refrigerants that deplete the ozone. Cooling is carried out without the use of refrigerants containing chlorine;
  11. Minimizes the overall impact on the environment as the consumption of electricity is reduced and the gas causing the greenhouse effect and global warming as a consequence.

Industrial Ventilation Overlook

Ventilation of industrial buildings is of great importance in the improvement of working conditions. It is designed to remove the polluted air from the working premises and supply of fresh air in them. Aeration and mechanical ventilations systems are most and widely used industrial buildings

Aeration – is an organized, calculated and controlled natural ventilation. With aeration can be provided in shops enormous Air exchange, remove them from the excess heat and polluted air, bring fresh air into the working zone. Aeration is mainly used in hot shops. For admission to the shop outside air into the walls of the building are made open, openings in the form of gates, windows with transoms, shutters, and to remove heat and a contaminated air in the roof equipped with aeration lanterns in the form of a raised roof with side opening transoms.

In small areas with heat release hood can be carried out through direct exhaust shafts mounted on springs; evolution of heat or gas. To use additional force of wind pressure and protection from blowing exhaust shaft at the outer end of her set one of the types of deflectors.  Deflectors mounted on the highest portions of the roof, so that for any direction of the wind, they are under the influence of sturgeon head.

Mechanical ventilation is carried out by means of mechanical boosters – fans or ejectors. Ventilation designed for sucking air from the premises, called the extraction and injection – supply. As the exhaust and supply air can be local and general exchange.

Local exhaust ventilation is used to remove the heat, gases, vapors or dust directly from their place of education. This is the most efficient way to remove industrial hazards, as in this case, they do not apply in the shop. In order to increase the effectiveness of local exhaust ventilation, should be possible to conceal the sources of pollutant discharge and perform suction from the shelter, and if completely hide the source of pollutant discharge is not possible, extraction should be as close to this source.

General exchange exhaust ventilation is arranged for the removal of the contaminated plant or heated air. Suction holes of ventilation are usually located in the upper zone management where usually heated air rises, vapors or gases.

Honeywell introduced Barcode (Genetron) verification system for refrigerant

Honeywell’s conducted a year survey last year which showed that consumer’s experienced that counterfeit refrigerants cause malfunction of the air conditioning system or cause damage to equipment

To fight against counterfeit products Honeywell introduced Barcode (Genetron) verification system, with mobile phone you can instantly determine the origin of the container. The first licensed defense got the refrigerant cylinder Honeywell Genetron R134a.

Honeywell is not the only company that protects its products. In 2013, the supplier of refrigerants Harp International started putting the 125-layered and protected from external influences hologram on the cylinders and packing, to stop counterfeiters. If you try to remove the sticker – that is destroyed.

Ammonia a Natural Refrigerant – controlling ozone depleting


Industrial refrigeration is used in about two-thirds of the facilities of the food industry, therefore, deserves a special mention. Food preservation achieved inexpensively by using canning, freezing, or drying techniques. Modern-day food preservation methods. The conservation of all meat and fish, fruits and vegetables, dairy products etc. is ensured by means of low temperatures.

In refrigeration systems in the food industry, the refrigerant used is usually ammonia. As refrigerant, ammonia offers many advantages

Energy efficiency Ammonia is one of the most effective refrigerant and has a wide range of applications. With an increasing emphasis on energy ammonia refrigeration systems are safe and reliable choice for the future. Thus, the use of ammonia in refrigeration systems that condense water cooled evaporative cooling equipment are an extremely efficient technology for the food industry usually 15-20% more efficient

Environmentally friendly Ammonia is a natural and environmentally friendly refrigerant, and more over its global warming potential GWP and ozone depletion potential ODP zero.

Security Ammonia is toxic under certain conditions – flammable. Therefore, it requires careful handling at the same time ammonia, smell of ammonia is most security guarantee, unlike other refrigerants having no odor, ammonia refrigeration has a proven record of safety, partly because leaks are easily detectable.

Smaller diameter pipes as gaseous or liquid ammonia for smaller diameter pipes are needed in comparison with most refrigerants.

High heat transfer parameters compared with most refrigerants ammonia has better heat transfer characteristics that can be used with the equipment at the surface of the heat transfer and thus reduce the cost of the refrigeration system.

The cost of the refrigerant in many countries, the cost of ammonia (1 kg.) is significantly lower than the cost of HFC refrigerants.

The advantages of using this technology is summarized: energy efficiency, respect for the environment, health safety and unbeatable relationship between investment and performance.

The truth is that the use of evaporative cooling in industrial processes involves a choice of topical given the benefits of energy efficiency, environmental friendliness and resource optimization based on performance it provides. Evaporative cooling is secured thereby, as a future technology

Inverter Air Conditioning – Ideal for Electricity Saving


Inverter air conditioning is expensive while comparing to non-Inverter air conditioning, but it gives significant advantages on power savings.

  1. At least 30% – 50% cheaper to run as it consumes less power
  2. Achieve desired temperature very quickly
  3. Startups 30% faster
  4. Much quieter
  5. No temperature fluctuations, maximizing comfort level
  6. No voltage peaks from compressor

Unlike conventional systems, Inverter compressor speed adapts to the needs of each moment, allowing only consume the energy.

Inbuilt Electronic device is sensitive and identify the temperature changes to supplies, equipment vary Inverter engine speed compressor to provide the power required. Thus drastically reducing temperature swings, keep getting in the range between -1 and + 1 ° C and enjoy greater environmental stability and comfort.

And so when they are about to reach the desired temperature, decrease the power equipment to avoid peak compressor starting. Thus the noise is reduced and consumption is always proportional.

No Inverter: On cold days without an air conditioner inverter function heats the room not quite right.

With Inverter: When producing 60% more heat than models constant speed, inverter air conditioners heat a room quickly even in the colder days.

Efficient use of power

No Inverter: The compressor is switched on and off according to temperature changes in the room. In other words, whenever the temperature fluctuates.

With Inverter: compressor speed and thus output power, is adapted to the room temperature. This efficient and linear temperature regulation at all times maintains a nice room.

Lower power consumption

No Inverter: An inverter air conditioner without function consumes approximately twice as much electricity. With this difference, not take long to get high bills.

With Inverter: An inverter air conditioner consumes half the electricity that a model without inverter function, so you get more welfare for much less money.

The Advanced Pre cooling Commercial Rooftop HVAC system

The Most Advance HVAC Rooftop system Designed by EVAPORCOOL, which has no movie parts and providing the best energy savings while comparing the Commercial roof tops units used for air cooling.

The systems includes high performing real time monitoring basis: temperature, energy usage, energy savings and failures. Monitoring and remote control is done through a 3G/4G internet network

  1. Requires Kilo Watts to operate the Equipment is reduced
  2. Filter Prevents Dusts reaching the condenser coil.
  3. Run at lowest condensing temperature, it will increase efficiency
  4. Smart Spray controller enables a minimal amount of water
  5. The system leaves no standing water or runoff water.

Global climate market


According to the latest research study the global sales volume of air conditioners will achieve 144 million by 2017. Experts have estimated there will be 18% increase of annual growth for the period up to 2015.

The growth of air conditioning industry will have the ever increasing demand for energy efficient heating, air conditioning and ventilations systems as well as the control systems.

An additional driving force stimulating the market in the next few years will be a growing segment of replacement, especially in the developed countries of Europe and the United States.

The increased focus on energy savings, demand for replacement of old air conditioning systems with new energy-efficient models will steadily increase, thus providing significant expansion of the market.

The Asia-Pacific region continues to be the largest market, whose growth is stimulated by factors such as an increase in the urban population, favorable labor markets and the resulting high overall levels of income and increasing income per family.