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August | 2019 | Air Track Blog
Air Track HVAC Blog

Monthly Archives: August 2019

What Are the Parameters for Selecting Industrial air conditioner?

The selection of air conditioners for industrial use has a number of features compared to the selection of household air conditioners. It is often about large areas, large dimensions of equipment, complex installation, the ability to install individual settings for a large number of rooms. The cost of an error here will be quite high – from the failure of an expensive air conditioner to damage to material values ​​and the health of people.

Industrial air conditioners are developed to service areas of more than 300 square meters. They are often installed in buildings where an individual micro climate is required for each room – in hotels, shopping centers, banks. What industrial air conditioner will solve your problems?

Industrial air conditioning systems. Device, features and types

Despite the fact that industrial air conditioners have been produced for more than 100 years, at present only five types of them can be distinguished.

Multi zone VRF and VRV air conditioning systems

VRV and VRF are two names for the same industrial systems. This multi-zone air conditioning system includes up to 64 indoor units and from one to three external. The maximum total length of inter block communications is 300 m. The maximum height difference is 50 m. For each indoor unit, you can set your own indoor temperature and provide an individual micro climate.

The error of the set temperature is only 0.5 o C.

Chiller-Fan Coil System

The system “chiller-fan koil” is characterized in that inside the building is used not coolant, but water or antifreeze. The central chiller is called the chiller, and the heat ex changers in the rooms are fan coil units. The system compares favorably with the fact that the maximum distance between the chiller and the fan coil is practically unlimited, water flows through ordinary pipes.

Central and roof conditioners

Central air conditioners are multi functional. They can be used as air conditioners, ventilation systems, air purifiers and humidifiers. They are called central because the air is processed in the central module and then distributed through the ducts to the rooms. The central air conditioner can serve several rooms or one large one – a theater hall, an indoor stadium, a production hall. Installation of industrial air conditioners of this type and laying of communications for them are characterized by increased complexity. If possible, it is better to choose a simpler to install roof air conditioner. Unlike the central air conditioner, which requires an external source of cold, the roof air conditioner is a mono block.

Cabinet air conditioners

This type of industrial air conditioners is designed to maintain a constant temperature over large areas for a long time. Cupboard air conditioners are mono block and with a remote condenser.

Precision air conditioners

Precision air conditioners are characterized by high accuracy of maintaining the desired temperature and humidity. They consist of outdoor and indoor units. Work in wide limits of power – from 5 to 100 kW.

Comparison of industrial air conditioning systems

When selecting industrial air conditioners, many parameters need to be taken into account, including the type and configuration of air conditioning zones, the nature and change of heat load, etc.

Power consumption

The minimum level of power consumption in multi zone VRV and VRF-systems. However, the various components of the industrial air conditioning system, for example, a chiller or a separate fan coil, can be selected taking into account the minimum energy consumption. Although high power consumption traditionally distinguished central and roof air conditioners.

Ventilation option

The industrial system differs in that you can set any configuration depending on the task: you can also integrate a central air conditioner into the chiller-fan coil system and you will get a system with ventilation. The multi zone system and the chiller-fan coil system can be additionally equipped with central air conditioning or ventilation systems. This will provide full and adequate ventilation.

Cost of

You can buy an industrial air conditioner fairly inexpensively, but you should take into account the complexity of installation, which, in turn, depends on the complexity of the technical task and equipment configuration. Rooftop air conditioners are the most low-cost, but installing them can take a lot of time and money. It should also be borne in mind that large industrial air conditioning systems require maintenance personnel.


In the central and roof conditioners it is not possible to adjust the set parameters for each room individually.

To fully understand the problems of selecting expensive industrial equipment for air conditioning and ventilation, engineering education and experience in this field are required. However, pre-orient in the terminology and principles of operation of air conditioners, as well as anyone can ask competent questions to a specialist.