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February | 2016 | Air Track Blog
Air Track HVAC Blog

Monthly Archives: February 2016

Industrial Ventilation Overlook

Ventilation of industrial buildings is of great importance in the improvement of working conditions. It is designed to remove the polluted air from the working premises and supply of fresh air in them. Aeration and mechanical ventilations systems are most and widely used industrial buildings

Aeration – is an organized, calculated and controlled natural ventilation. With aeration can be provided in shops enormous Air exchange, remove them from the excess heat and polluted air, bring fresh air into the working zone. Aeration is mainly used in hot shops. For admission to the shop outside air into the walls of the building are made open, openings in the form of gates, windows with transoms, shutters, and to remove heat and a contaminated air in the roof equipped with aeration lanterns in the form of a raised roof with side opening transoms.

In small areas with heat release hood can be carried out through direct exhaust shafts mounted on springs; evolution of heat or gas. To use additional force of wind pressure and protection from blowing exhaust shaft at the outer end of her set one of the types of deflectors.  Deflectors mounted on the highest portions of the roof, so that for any direction of the wind, they are under the influence of sturgeon head.

Mechanical ventilation is carried out by means of mechanical boosters – fans or ejectors. Ventilation designed for sucking air from the premises, called the extraction and injection – supply. As the exhaust and supply air can be local and general exchange.

Local exhaust ventilation is used to remove the heat, gases, vapors or dust directly from their place of education. This is the most efficient way to remove industrial hazards, as in this case, they do not apply in the shop. In order to increase the effectiveness of local exhaust ventilation, should be possible to conceal the sources of pollutant discharge and perform suction from the shelter, and if completely hide the source of pollutant discharge is not possible, extraction should be as close to this source.

General exchange exhaust ventilation is arranged for the removal of the contaminated plant or heated air. Suction holes of ventilation are usually located in the upper zone management where usually heated air rises, vapors or gases.

The market of industrial Ventilation and Air Conditioning

According to most industry experts, the market of industrial ventilation and air-conditioning peaked. Manufacturing companies that supply goods to “assembly line”, and trading companies that buy goods from foreign manufacturers offers a complete package of services from design to delivery.

This diversity of providers has led to a wide range of products on the market that is not always in demand by consumers. Known manufacturers of equipment for industrial ventilation and air conditioning can offer solutions that are already being implemented to have the highest level of energy efficiency, but unfortunately, they are not in demand on the market due to higher initial investment.

The market of industrial ventilation equipment more transformed, if earlier in the growing market there was a large number of brands, the average share was about 3%, it is now possible to identify the lead five operators with a market share of 5 to 8% each. It speaks about strengthening the position of reliable companies, and withdrawal from the market of small or targeted at long-term cooperation between the companies. ”

70% of total consumption is used for shopping malls, water parks, office buildings, parking lots, banks, sports complexes. 20% of the total volume occupied by industrial enterprises, which include major manufacturing plants and pharmaceutical plants. The rest (10%) – private customers, which establish a system for building swimming pools and large residential building.

A trademark is not always a guarantee of success and a guarantee of long-term operation of the system. Even the most expensive high quality equipment may not work properly if the design or construction works were carried out correctly.

Market experts believe that in the near future the company-customers move from the selection of HVAC systems on a price basis to a choice based on an analysis of the operation of such systems in the future.